At-Home Opportunities to Teach Science

At-Home Opportunities to Teach Science

Science is a subject that has endless ways that you can teach it from home. By reinforcing a child’s knowledge of science when they are not at school, you will make their school experience more productive, and more conducive to learning and remembering the material. Here are just a few of the many ways you can teach science to your child when at home, whether during work or play.

Cooking and Baking

Cooking and baking are both a great way to teach science. It is also a win-win situation for the teacher, since supper will be cooked and will be one less thing to worry about.

Teaching your child this skill involves a lot of measurements. Sometimes it is acceptable to make substitutes for ingredients or change amounts, and sometimes the result is disastrous. Don’t be afraid to mess up, because this will give your child a hands-on way to understand how even tiny differences can add up and cause huge changes. Through activities such as baking, your child will learn about the reactions caused by baking soda, and make other scientific observations as well.


Gardening is another great real world science project. While your child partakes in this activity, they will reinforce their learning of the process of a seed becoming a full-grown plant, photosynthesis, and other great lessons. This activity can also provide the ingredients for the cooking and baking you will later do.

Unusual Pets

The world is full of animals. It is likely that you may already have a pet in your home, but have you tried caring for any unusual pets? A worm farm is a simple project that is interesting to watch. Worms are some of the most industries creatures around, and with a clear, plastic-walled worm farm your child can see first-hand the work that these industrious critters do.

Butterflies are also an exciting pet to care for. You can order butterfly larvae kits from school supply stores and some garden centers. Your child will be able to watch a butterfly up close and personal as it goes through its stages, from caterpillar, to chrysalis, to butterfly. Celebrate your learning experience by holding a special time when you release the butterflies into the wild. This is always a hit with children both young and old.


Camping is one of the most fun ways to learn about science. There are endless opportunities to learn about different aspects of science while surviving in the great outdoors. Take a book on the various types of birds along on your journey. Learn about the habits of wild animals, and how you can avoid confrontation with them.

Perhaps your child will be using their bicycle while camping and you can talk about the mechanics of the wheel. When you are preparing for a campfire, show your child how to make a fire out of wood. Teach your child about searching for edibles if you are in an area that contains much of this. Survival skills are highly scientific and you will find plenty of ways to reinforce your child’s learning while you are out in nature.

Science is one of the most accessible subjects to anyone who is looking for it. Use your knowledge and creativity to provide valuable learning experiences for your child. Your family will appreciate the time spent together while learning.


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